Benign cystic mesothelioma affects the mesothelium, particularly appearing in the peritoneal mesothelium area. While mesothelioma is largely contributed to asbestos exposure, benign cystic mesothelioma appears to be one with an unknown origin, and is not contributed to asbestos exposure.

Cystic mesothelioma, characteristically found in women during their reproductive years affecting their peritoneal region, is rare and does not appear in malignant forms. It attacks the peritoneum, or the thin membrane which surrounds the organs of the abdomen.

Surgery is the most effective treatment of benign cystic mesothelioma. However, recurrence of the cysts are high and redevelopment is expected.

Even if benign cystic mesothelioma is not cancerous, it does pose some serious threats to one’s health which is why it demands continuous monitoring and long term treatments. The victims of benign cystic mesothelioma are usually younger women. While it does not suggest any harm on one’s life expectancy, it does pose some serious pain in the peritoneal region.

If you, or a friend experience chest or abdominal pains, chronic coughs, difficulty breathing, it is best to get a diagnosis so as to ensure the immediate treatment of benign cystic mesothelioma. Immediate diagnosis and treatment ensure the success of a possible surgery, however it does not guarantee that there will be no recurrence of the cysts, as it is common that cysts recur after the surgery of benign cystic mesothelioma.