Benign Multicystic Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is dubbed as asbestos cancer because asbestos is the primary cause of this disease. Exposure to the asbestos for repeated times may cause for the mesothelium to absorb asbestos. In fact, the gravity of the effects of mesothelioma had caused the ban of the use of asbestos in industries in Japan, the European Union and Australia.

Benign multicystic mesothelioma appears more commonly in the peritoneum, or the mesothelium covering the abdominal cavity. At the onset, benign multi-cystic mesothelioma is asymptomatic and becomes apparent only in the later stages of the cancer.

Benign multi-cystic mesothelioma is a rare tumor, albeit non-cancerous. Treatment for benign multi-cystic mesothelioma includes surgery for the removal of the tumors, however it is not possible to remove all the tumors. The success of removal of the tumors depends on the immediacy of diagnosis and treatment.

A type of benign multi-cystic mesothelioma is the benign multi-cystic peritoneal mesothelioma (BMPM), this is a rare type of tumor which affects mainly women in their reproductive age. The BMPM is an uncommon lesion. While most mesotheliomas occur because of exposure to asbestos,the origin of benign multi-cystic peritoneal mesothelioma is unknown. As the pathological differences in diagnosis remains unclear and controversial in the medical field.

As with the malignant form of mesothelioma, the cause of benign multicystic mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. This places workers involved in industries and occupations where asbestos is produced or used at a high risk of developing the disease. This includes people whose occupations belong to certain industries such as construction, demolition, automobile, ship yards, power plants, steel mills, oil refineries, factories, railroads and asbestos mining.

Unfortunately, asbestos exposure is not only limited to workers in high-risk industries. People may also be exposed to asbestos through tainted drinking water, use of products that contain vermiculite such as some pesticides and fertilizers, exposure to some older appliances that contain asbestos or by living with a person who is exposed to the material. Asbestos fibers can cling to a worker’s skin, hair or clothing and he or she may bring it home without even knowing it.

The goal of treating benign multicystic mesothelioma is to remove the cause of the pain or discomfort. Which treatment options to use will depend on the need for an immediate solution and on the severity of the disease. In this case, the target of the treatment is to eliminate the tumors. It’s not always possible to eradicate all tumors present in the affected area, but surgical removal will prevent symptoms and alleviate any pain.